NTT Letter
Untamed. Connected. Inspired.

NTT DATA strives for unrivalled excellence at the world's premier mountain bike race writes Alan Turnly-Jones, Chief Executive Officer NTT DATA MEA, as he welcomes riders, teams and mountain biking fans to the 2024 Absa Cape Epic.

It’s with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Absa Cape Epic! On behalf of NTT DATA, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all participants as we gear up for yet another exhilarating mountain bike race.
The year 2024 signifies our inaugural representation as NTT DATA at the Absa Cape Epic, marking a significant transition from our proud partnership under the Dimension Data brand for the past nine years. This race epitomizes the unyielding spirit of human endurance and our relentless pursuit of excellence.
As the Official Technology Partner of the race, NTT DATA is deeply embedded in every facet of the journey. Spanning 616 kilometres of the most challenging terrain, the Absa Cape Epic stands as one of the most demanding and captivating mountain bike races globally. It's not merely a physical challenge but a mental and emotional journey that pushes riders to their limits, symbolizing the true essence of determination.

Our commitment extends beyond sponsorship. We strive to ensure that every moment of the race is seamlessly captured and shared with riders and their supporters. To match the intensity of the race itself, we deploy our ingenuity and skills to cover rugged landscapes and respond to challenges with our managed network solutions.
For us, this challenge is part of the excitement, and we are more than prepared to tackle it head-on! If we can maintain 100% uptime during this thrilling race, imagine what we can accomplish for you.

By leveraging our local expertise along with NTT DATA's global operations and 150 years of innovative history, we offer clients an unparalleled set of capabilities, including our next-generation AI managed services. Clients already benefit from in-depth operational insights and optimized network performance.
From the steepest ascents to the fastest descents, we are dedicated to providing a fast, reliable, and data-rich experience, ensuring 100% uptime throughout the entire route. We extend the same level of commitment and efficiency to your enterprise, beyond the Absa Cape Epic.
We eagerly anticipate connecting with each of you as we embark on this extraordinary journey. Brace yourselves for a spectacle of determination, resilience, and unparalleled connectivity!

Alan Turnly-Jones
Chief Executive Officer: